Grapefruit is a subtropical citrus discovered in Barbados in the 18th century. It was originally called the “forbidden fruit” then named “shaddock” or “shattuck” until the 1800s when it was finally named for it’s appearance of growing in clusters, like grapes…thus grapefruit. It wasn’t until 1929 however, that it became a commercial hit, thanks to a patent on the Ruby Red grapefruit, which continues to be a symbolic fruit in Texas to this day.
Where Is Grapefruit Grown?
The U.S. is the largest grower of grapefruit in the world, then China, South Africa and Mexico. Florida boasts the bulk of U.S. grapefruit production, with a whopping 75% grown there. Texas, California and Arizona are additional grapefruit suppliers for the United States. Considered the best grapefruit, those from Florida and Texas are available November through June. Arizona and California grapefruit can be found starting late July through October. Generally, grapefruit season lasts from October through June.
What are some different varieties of Grapefruit?
Some popular varieties of grapefruit are: Ruby Red, Pink, Thompson, Marsh and Duncan. The most popular types are red, white, and pink which refers to the inner pulp’s coloring.
It’s interesting to note that Florida grapefruit are sweeter, have a thinner rind and are less pulpy whereas grapefruit from California are easier to peel and separate, however their flavor is not as good and they’re not as juicy as their Floridian counterparts.
Grapefruit Nutrition:
Grapefruit is a fantastic source of Vitamin C, half a grapefruit will give you 80% of an adult’s recommended daily requirement. It also provides the fiber pectin which may lower cholesterol. Additionally, this wonderful fruit supplies potassium, niacin, thiamin and Vitamin B6. One interesting fact is that red grapefruit contains over twenty times more Vitamin A than white grapefruit.
Grapefruit Health Risks:
Unfortunately, grapefruit can have negative interactions with drugs, often enhancing the potency, so it’s extremely important to keep this in mind and ask your doctor if you might be affected, as it can ultimately lead to overdosing and death. Additionally, there are numerous studies on the connection between grapefruit juice and kidney stones.
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